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Home » 2005 » May » 12

Xanga- 5/12/05


okay people-who-only-read-the-most-recent-post-and-don’t-look-at-the-post-RIGHT-BELOW-IT (*cough* kari and ashley *cough cough*)

I was referring to whether I should call my teacher Mrs. Syms’ little phrases Symsisms or Symsysms?  I like the latter, so I’m going with the latter.

And now for something completely different!


I had a hard boiled egg smashed down on top of my cranium today..

well, i had a math test today, and it went well.  History quiz- easy.  Snoopy returned. PE- Dodgeball- OH YEAH!! After school I played chess with people for a long time…

Anyway, for those who don’t know… I lived in Norway for four years (2nd-5th grade).  When I first got here I used to tell everyone I knew, but then they thought I was bragging so I didn’t ever tell anyone.  But then I have made alot of new friends and never tell them, so when I mention it they’re like- “Oh my gosh! You lived in Norway?!?!”

So, anyway, it was so cool.  Sights.  Sounds.  Even Smells.  In the morning, all three worked together.  As I walked to the bus stop I saw the sea and the sun and the mountains.  I heard seagulls singing to eachother.  And, the best of all, the smell of fresh fish and fertilizer formed a scent that was so neat.  Plus, friends and family, church and school, food and drinks- it was Home.

Well, anyway, I just wanted everyone to hear about my favorite spot in el mundo– Stavanger, Norway.

If anyone has questions or anything, comment please.


MAN!  Does anyone here watch LOST?

It is so awesome!!! It really makes you think… it’s so COOL!!!

