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Disconnected Days – 11/28/07

Why is it that my life is so disconnected? I have my past life, my present life, and my future life. I have my real life and my fake, imagined lives. I have my University Scholars life and my LEAD life. I have my public life and my private life.
And chronologically, I have a disconnected life. One day I’ll be eating healthy, loving others, spending time with God, and doing right. The next I’ll be in a bad mood till 10:00. Why?
Is nothing consistent?
What can be consistent in my life?
– My schedule? Well, sometimes I have to do stuff to interfere with my schedule. Sometimes I just feel tired and can’t meet certain requirements. Sometimes I don’t have the desire. Of course, will must win…
– My values- Yes, but my values are determined by the situation. I mean, I won’t one second be for abortion and the next be against it, but though I value both love and discipline, I must choose sometimes whether to step out and love a person or to work on homework.
– My faith- Once again, this is so affected by other things…

Ultimately, the only thing that doesn’t change is my Lord. He is always there. Why can’t I go to him? Because Satan takes the truth that He’s always there and adds to it saying, “so you can go later”.
Lord, help me find consistency. Let me follow you, not do a trek ala Family Circus that will eventually come 5 feet closer after two months. I want to grow in the me you’ve made me to be.

Your Boy,
Evan Christopher



Can it be that I must come back? – 10/1/07

Lord, I thank you for kicking me out of the way. But I have a little dilemma. You see, I’m also called to be a light. And the thing is, I can’t be a light. But I want to know: Can I be the lamp? Can You be the flame? If so, can I come back? Can you take over and inhabit me and kick me into gear?
I want to reach out to others– but reach out with love that is Yours, not mine.
I want to speak of You– but I don’t want to be me doing it, just a person pouring out overflow
I want to be evidently Yours– but I don’t want it to be for fame- I want to do it for Your fame!
Can this happen? Can it be?

Well, I am overwhelmed… – 9/27/07

Well, I am overwhelmed…

i just want to go back.
but there is no place for me there.
It’s like I am Sam/Frodo in the Lord of the Rings- I want to go back to the Shire, where everything was simpler. But i can’t.
All throughout my life, I have had this problem: Glorification of the Past. I always look back and see how “great” things were, even to something a couple hours in the past. It started probably when we moved from England to Norway. It was hard for me to settle at first. Then I found friends and enjoyed it there. Stavanger became home. Then we moved to Cypress. And I felt excluded, left out, abused, hurt, maligned, and more. (Now in my glorification of the past, I basically exaggerate- Usually it’s positive, but sometimes the negative REALLY sticks out.) It took me a while to recover from that. And now I’ve moved again. I have no comfort of constant conistency. Nothing that connects the past to the present. In a way, that’s nice, because it means that the bad stuff from high school, for the most part, don’t have to bother me. But my wonderful experiences in church, at school, at home, and with friends- they are all back in Cypress. The only connections I have to “home”? My sister and Facebook. My sister has found “home” here, though, so to bring up Cypress isn’t so good. And Facebook is simply manufactured lives. It’s real, but it’s also fake.
So here I am. I just got the CCS Connection and as I scan the pages I think, “I’m no longer a part of this.” It’s true. Other than the alumni pages or possibly if I come and visit and get a photo somehow, my time at CCS is over. My time at Baylor has begun. But I’m not even sure if I want Baylor to be my home. I’ve wondered. I’ve considered changing colleges, going to Wheaton, or Taylor, or even Bryan. But if I did that, things might get better, but it would still take time. And it would just take more time because I’ve already connected here, somewhat. I’ve spent time here. And I hate secondguessing myself. I do it all the time, but I hate it. I like to make a decision and stick with it. When you think it over and wonder if it was the right choice, the thing is, how will you ever know? You won’t here God speak to you in an audible voice “You were right to choose this!” Instead, you will realize it after looking around and seeing a sign in your environment- and you can’t see any signs if you’re too busy looking to something else.
Which is part of my problem. It’s like I’m at the US-Mexico border, with my feet in two different countries. I’ve got my heart and spirit in Cypress, but my mind and my body is in Waco. I’ve been very good at not just focusing on Cypress, talking to people from there all the time, never getting connected to people here. I’ve talked and contacted people a fair number, and have only been home once. I’ve tried out new things here and met new people and enjoyed different things, but when it all comes down to it, I don’t want to be here. If I had the choice, I would drive back home and go and help out at school and church, hang out with old high school friends, live at home, and never go anywhere. But I CAN’T DO THAT.
I have to move on. I have to change. I am no longer the Evan Weppler of high school. I have changed. But I still love my home back in Cypress more, because I KNOW there are people there that love me, care for me, and want me around. Here? I don’t know. But I can’t know until I invest in their lives. Which is tricky, because I am weird. And I connect in different ways than most people. I love deep connections, but I don’t like small talk and simple hanging out. When I hang out, I enjoy building on deep friendships.
So my problems- I glorify the past, I don’t like change, I’m in two places at once, and I find it hard to really connect to people.
What is the answer to all of this? Well, there is no anwer, other than this: Time and Effort. It sucks as an answer, but it’s like medicine. You have to endure it. I just wish there was “a spoonful of sugar” to make “the medicine go down.”
What is the sugar I need?
— Church
— Small group community
— Ministry
— Good friends (the ones I can hang out with at random times and just enjoy time together)
— Close Friends
— Mentor/s
— Mentoree/s

1. Church- I’ve searched. I’m looking for a place that gives me 1. Truth, 2. Community, and 3. Service Opportunities. I just don’t know. I don’t want to “waste” my time somewhere, but it’s true that it takes time to really see what a church is about.
2. Small group community- I’ve not found that at the dorm. I’ve not found that in my classes. I’ve tried Cru and kind of an Antioch Lifegroup, but nothing has been so profoundly “it” yet. Preferably I would like to find this through a church, but you never know.
3. Ministry- Shinedown? Exclusive. Children’s Tutorials? I don’t know how to describe the feeling I had there. YMTs? Maybe. I enjoyed working with the kids the other day. I felt more alive. (Which is why I want to go into ministry/be a father)
4. Good Friends- I have these. Kristen. DJ and Lora. Meghan, Emmanuel, and the other girls. Hannah. (Though I haven’t seen her for a while) Kristina. Madeleine and Kathleen. Dave. Chris. Dirk and Gray. Steven. Steven and Adam. Good people, but great? I think some could be for me.
5. Close Friends- I really want to have some real good connections. With girl friends, yes, but I have always lacked and always wanted great close guy friends, to help me in the journey, so that I can help them, so that we can do life together. Like brothers in a monastery. Close. Community.
6. Mentor- This would probably help me grow, but who? I have Tracy and kind of Kate, but I really need a guy. A guy to show me how to live as a Christian man in college. Cause I haven’t understood it yet. Brad? Could see it. Steven, Jeff, Ethan? Maybe. Other than that, I don’t know. I’d love to know someone through church, but that takes a while……. time and effort, time and effort…. whoo.
7. Mentoree- I believe this would really help me feel at home here. If I had kids or youths looking up to me, seeing me as a leader and a friend. I’d feel like I was at home.
But what is home? Really? When did Cypress become home? I don’t think I really accepted where I was until seventh grade, and that was because of church. I think that might be the case here, with those two characteristics. The second year, and through church. But I really don’t want to wait that long. Can I?
Lord, I guess you’re just testing me. But I don’t want to fail. I don’t want to look back and say, “I could have reached out more.” God, help me to accept myself and love my situation. But if I’m not supposed to be here, send me a sign. If I am supposed to be here, show me a sign. God, I just need to find community. I’m tired of doing this alone. I’m tired. I come to you for rest. I rest in you. I rest in you. I rest in you.



What can I say? – 5/30/07

I feel so overwhelmed… life is going to be gone so soon. Life as I know it. Church- gone. Church high school group- gone. Church Jr high ministry- gone. Church friends- gone. High School- gone. High school friends- gone. High School activities- gone. Home life- gone.
No, I’m not dying. I’m going to college. In a way, though, it is like a death and a rebirth. This is exciting. really! I get to start over. But at the same time, I’m having to say goodbye to alot of things. Alot.
This has been going through my head for a long time. You see, I’m losing my control on life.
I feel like Saul. Not, Saul/Paul, OT-Saul, the king who had it all and then lost it all.
I have ministries and chances to work in people’s lives- yet, I have to let them go. My hope is that a David will come by and pick up where I left off- leaders in NHS, StuCo, and SALT, hard workers in Yearbook and Drama, good senior role models, older brothers to younger guys, a worker in Jr High ministry, and other junk I don’t even realize I do.

I do very little- God just puts me in lots of places and works through me in many ways. But now, he’s proverbially pushing me forward and it seems like there’s an empty spot where I was standing… I feel like I need to find people to fill my spots- but do I? Do I need to find Davids? Can’t God call Davids to fill my empty Saul spots? I just need to let go… Maybe I’m a David coming into another ministry- I sure hope so.

This isn’t about me- this is all about others- sorry if I sound egotistical- I really just want ministry to continue. I want to make sure that people keep on growing and living- so I’m going to be a John the Baptist and trust that God has a greater man to fill my shoes.


Let that be me. A little arrow pointing to God.
let that be me



Amazed – 4/12/07

When Jesus walked among men in the body of a man, he amazed people with mainly two things:

The things he said, the teachings he brought, the words he gave

The things he did, the miracles he worked, the power he showed

But… (according to the NIV) there are only two times that Jesus was amazed…

The first time was at the lack of faith of a town…
The second was at the great faith a certain man had…

Are you amazed by what Jesus said/says? Are you amazed by what He did/does?

How are you amazing Him? With your faith or with your lack of faith?



Medallion – 4/8/07

So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.
For in my inner being I delight in God’s law;
but I see another law at work in the members of my body,
waging war against the law of my mind
and making me a prisoner
of the law of sin at work within my members.
What a wretched man I am!
Who will rescue me from this body of death?
Satan has triumphed again. I return from the battle, bloodied, beaten, defeated, running to my King in guilt, embarassment, shame.
I gave him the victory. Can you believe it? I was trained to be a warrior, to fight against the enemy, to never give in, to never give him a foothold…
yet around my neck, on a cord of rusty wire, I kept a medallion close to my heart. On it is two words, written in a devilish script,
scratched with an evil claw
two words
i remember the day he gave it to me…
I was out in the marketplace, looking for beautiful treasures, wisdom-filled literature, and enjoyment. And there he was, with the most beautiful of all the stalls, shining with gold, shimmering with diamonds, robed in lucious silks and beautiful images. I strolled up to the stall and listened to his sales-pitches to nearby customers…
“… which is why you must take this bracelet! If you wear it, it will guide you in the way you are to go! Don’t trust your life to that man, that rebel… he doesn’t know what he’s talking about… little goody two shoes- what has he seen in the real world? huh? and you’re following him? trust me maam, I’ve traveled this world, and I’ve partaken of every joy, pleasure, and beautiful experience- and trust me when I tell you this- The world is better. It is better than any “gift” or “life” that he promises you. It will make you wanted, make you rich, make you whatever you want to be… which is why you need this bracelet…”
He reached up and touched the woman’s hand, but she shuddered and turned away, running and calling back to me one word
I ignored that voice, and I browsed the seller’s wares. I watched him out of the corner of my eye watch me out of the corner of his eye. I scanned his appearance. He was dressed in the uniform of a soldier, yet… his clothes seemed to be more radiant, more lovely than any other officer I had ever seen. His face looked old, but I knew he must have been young, for he had a vibe unlike any other I have known. I looked through the stall, and, heeding the woman’s words, turned away…
but he grabbed my hand— an image flashed in my mind— i smiled and turned back—
“I can offer you better than that” he whispered
“What?” I queried.
“That picture, that memory, that feeling, that experience. I can offer you better stuff than that.”
“Well, I really don’t need anything more. I’m fine- goodbye” I began to turn when he pulled out a box– faster than a hummingbird this man was– and shoved it in my face. I looked- and I looked. After half a minute, I turned away and glared at him. However, as my anger boiled, I heard a slight cry in the back of my mind—
“you want it…” it said.
“Hey!” I said, ignoring the voice, and looking at the seller. “I told you, I am content with what I have. I don’t need that! I certainly don’t want that!”
“Yes you do.”
“No I don’t” I shouted.
“I can hear you crying inside for that box. You want it. Don’t ignore that voice… listen to it…”
I tried to block the voice, but it grew louder. “GET THE BOX! YOU WANT IT! YOU WANT IT!” And as it grew in volume, the music that filled my mind every second of every day, the music suddenly grew sharp and disjointed.
“You see” the man continued. “You have been brainwashed. That man you follow, he has told you that all you need to do is do what he does and trust in him. But think back… have you ever felt let down?”
“No! He has never let me down!” I uttered, but as I did, the sound-battle in my head grew racous. The music grew.. ugly, the voice continued to scream, and I thought inside- “yes, he has let me down”
“All his promises are nothing. They leave you empty, tired, and poor. He hoards all the riches that his followers give him. he simply wants to be number one, but I can tell you something- he’s not great. I have been with him, and he doesn’t share his riches. He keeps it to himself, denying his selfishness and declaring it’s all about there can be no other gods or something… he’s crazy I tell you. He’s crazy. You don’t need him.”
With that last statement, I was ready to run, but as I turned, there he was in front of me. the man looked into my eyes, and nodded slowly.
“I understand… it will take some time- but you will see him as I see him now. Trust me. You will see that the world is better. Trust me. You will see that my wares are better than his promises… trust me.” with that last statement, he placed a medallion around my neck, patted me on the back and stepped away. He acted as if I was gone and pulled some passerby into his stall, yelling about “my great new crowns!”…
… i looked down at the medallion and saw the two words. I flinched and felt like throwing up. on the back of it was an image of a snake wrapped round a tree…
I wanted to throw it away! I REALLY DID! I rushed into an empty alley and fell to the ground, crying, weeping, tearing at my flesh, pulling my hair- I screamed and moaned- I touched the little piece of clay, rubbed my fingers over the little etchings, and as I did, images flashed in my mind.
These were from the box. I knew they were. They were like my first flashback, but manipulated, distorted, perverted. In each image, I could see the seller, hiding in the back, mouthing the words I now had engraved on the back of my brain-
“TRUST ME.” he said
“TRUST ME” the little voice in my head said.
“TRUST ME” my medallion read.
I sighed, and tucked the medallion under my shirt. It stuck out, so I went to the marketseller lady (a cousin of the devilish seller, i later found out) and bought a beautiful shirt, like my uniform, but a little more brilliant and bright, like the devilish seller’s clothes…
I trudged back to the camp. As I approached the gate, I saw him-
My commander, my king
“Where were you?” he asked. I looked into his eyes. They were filled with hope.
“I was in the marketplace,” I replied.
“What did you buy?”
“I bought a medallion and a cloak,” i muttered, averting his gaze. Seconds ticked by, and I looked back up at him. A tear welled in the corner of his left eye. I turned away, but then rushed back to him, grabbing his side and holding on.
“The music stopped while I was there…” I looked in his eyes again. He looked back at me and nodded.
“I know.”
He placed his hand on my head and instantly I heard the symphony playing sweet songs of redemption and beauty. Unfortunately, it was accompanied by a sour soloist- that voice. It sang heresies and lies (or were they? I wondered…)
I looked up at him again. He was looking down at my chest. I glanced down and saw the bump that medallion made in my shirt. I pulled at my clothes to make them puff out, and sighed.
“Well, it’s hot out here… I better get back into my tent and rest.”
“You won’t be able to…” he whispered.
“What?” I replied…
“not for a while…”
He appeared to snap out a daydream, and he looked at me, and he smiled.
“Rest, young one, for tomorrow we fight. And we will win- Trust me.”
He patted me on the back, and I trudged into the camp. The medallion burned like a hot coal against my chest, but its pain paled in comparison to the pain of betrayal I felt in my soul. I reached my tent, climbed in, and cried.
That was five years ago. I have battled Satan and his minions many times since then, and I have won occasionally, but lost more often. It seems like he has a hold on me somewhere, and can pull me down when he wants to. i don’t know… i really don’t know… i must go- my medallion needs to be polished.

Friends of Foes- Dealing with Divorce among Fellow Believers (Relational, that is, not marriage divorce) – 3/11/07

Something I’ve been seeing alot of the past couple weeks is how prevalent it is within the Christian world to have Christians warring against eachother, or simply not talking, or simply talking about the other behind their back, or being “funny” (really cruel) by pointing out mistakes, or constantly arguing, or simply firmly against eachother…

Jesus did say in Matthew 5:10-11
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you
and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.”

And he did say in John 16:33 “In this world, you will have trouble”

He did say in Luke 6:27-31
“But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

I wonder if when He said these things, he was thinking about all the Christian violence that was to come, all the “wars” and “batlles” amongst the citizens of Christendom… Calvinists versus Arminianists, KJV-only versus Modern Translations, Baptists versus Presbyterian, Conservative versus Contemporary versus Alternative versus Modern (and that’s just within worship music)… and so on and so forth

We have B Christians that are persecuting C Christians because of C Christian’s righteousness- maybe their standard is different, or their method seems strange… but persecution continues

We have D Christians insulting E Christians, because they seem different and weird

We have F Christians saying all kinds of evil against G Christians because they don’t understand the G Christians and don’t want to have to try

We have the H Christians causing trouble for the I Christians

We have the J Christians hating the K Christians and the L Christians cursing the M Christians and the O Christians mistreating the P Christians…

We have striking of cheeks
Taking of tunics
Stealing and Cursing and Bitterness and anger

In Psalms 103, David writes
“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard,
down upon the collar of his robes.
It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore”

If there was a converse of this verse it might read this
“How bad and ugly it is when Christians war against eachother
It is like acid poured upon the head
running down the face (cutting away at the senses)
running down even Aaron’s face (it even affects the leaders)
It is as if the excrement of the world were falling on Mount Zion
For there the LORD is… but what is He doing?
Where is life evermore?”

We are called to be one. But we let petty things get in the way of growing in the Lord and growing as a body. Everything from the color of carpets (church-splitters) to being overbearing and complaining (relationship-splitters) to coldness and bitterness and unacceptance (soul-splitters)
I have friends that were once real close, and then they stopped being friends and stopped talking… why?
I have others friends- one is trying to mature and keeps on running into people that are looking at her former self and not the person she is today, and the people that are doing this, I know they are good people, but it just happens
I know people- people from church, school, camp, everywhere, when it comes to jobs and occupations, that if a rule is broken or someone is angry or dissatisfied, that person is fired and there’s bad blood between them and the other people at the workplace for a long, long, time…

In Isaiah 11:6-10, it says this
The wolf will live with the lamb- THE OPPRESSOR AND THE OPPRESSED
the leopard will lie down with the goat- THOSE WHO RUN AWAY AND THOSE WHO FIGHT
and a little child will lead them. – CHILDREN DON’T HOLD GRUDGES LIKE WE DO… i’ve known kids that I’ve been told to keep separate at camp, but the next day, they are bosom buddies… they let go and move on and love… the child here- Jesus Christ, the ultimate lover
their young will lie down together,- THEIR CHILDREN, THEIR FOLLOWERS
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.- THE TWO OPPOSITES WILL SIT DOWN AND SHARE A MEAL
The infant will play near the hole of the cobra,- PEACE AND SAFETY
and the young child put his hand into the viper’s nest. – NO WORRIES ABOUT BEING ATTACKED
They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD
as the waters cover the sea. – SO THE ANSWER IS KNOWLEDGE (see below)
In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples;
the nations will rally to him, and his place of rest will be glorious.-FINALLY, A PLACE OF REST

The answer is found above- KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD…
I believe this could mean a few things…
1. KNOWLEDGE FOUND IN HIS WORD- When you fill yourself with God’s Word, you fill yourself with God… and He can’t help but come out in your day to day life
2. KNOWING HIM- You can know facts, but when you personally know Jesus Christ and grow in your relationship, you are changed
3. KNOWING WHO HE IS AND WHAT HE DOES- He is broad, wide, farbeyond our understanding, loving, merciful, forgiving, but steadfast in truth, caring, reaching, big, diverse, multi-dimensional, and He works in people’s lives in different ways…

When You understand these things and grow in them, the little fights- maybe they’ll cease… I don’t know… but it seems like it makes sense, right?

I’ll end with a little saying that really makes sense now

No God
No Peace
Know God
Know Peace

You will have trouble with Christians, but never with Christ. He is faithful, He is peaceful, He is love. Follow Him and the rest will work out- eventually. At least you can know that someday on Mount Zion, you will get to have rest and fellowship with all believers from around the world… some day… i can’t wait… peace



DIVE 2007 – 2/25/07

This weekend was a weekend of weekends… not the, but a. It was memorable, fun, exciting, interesting, engaging, uplifting, and challenging.

Not everything was great. Not everything was bad. More good than bad. Of course, what is good? What is bad?

Some highlights!
1. SENIOR MEN WON THE LIP SYNC- and i was johnny cash…!
2. I got to know some more of the guys in my group
3. The small-group times (mine and others, from what I hear) went well
4. Our group- from 6th to 12th- all acted right (with the exception of a few 8th and 9th grade boys)
5. Worship was great- I actually opened up to a song, for once (hard to explain…)
6. Good times with friends…!
7. Good last retreat.
8. Lots of great pictures!

Some lowlights.
1. Lip sync was hard and painful for some people- some senior guys, some girls, and the junior guys
2. People might have walked away with a bad impression of our students
3. The speaker wasn’t there on Saturday, and even though we watched a video of him teaching, he wasn’t that compelling (surprisingly enough, since he told us to lead compelling lives)
4. The small group times were torturous sometimes in silence… i almost cried and almost got mad at people for not participating…
5. No dramas- at least, not that many dramas that made sense…
6. Seems thing disjointed for the weekend…
7. Lots of talk of reading the Bible and going on mission trips, but not much on how to live the Word out
8. Sad, cause its my last retreat… :

anyway, i learned. i grew. and God was at work.





I’m so sick- 2/8/07

I’ve been out of school and church and life in general since Monday afternoon. I came home, collapsed on the couch, and rested all evening. Tuesday, I almost went to school, but just couldn’t bear it. Wednesday, I almost went, but was coughing too much. Thursday, I almost went, but I was really out of it. Friday, I don’t know…

I’ve done pretty much nothing but sleep and watch TV… Reading and writing and studying are just too much right now… but when I get back to it all, everything is going to be really hard.

Gosh- life is estranged… whatever that means…


