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Home of Evan Weppler's OLDER writings, creations, ideas, and more!

My World- 11/27/07

Why is Norway so attractive, Camp so appealing, and Cypress so pleasing? Why is the past so much better than the present, and why is the future even better? I have been struggling alot lately. With apathy, nostalgia, homesickness, reminiscing,

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Community- 9/23/07

I’ve been having a great time at Baylor. Lots of exciting new events and groups. Beautiful campus. Challenging courses. Yet, there is something missing… Community. My group at high school My friends at church My younger friends in high school,

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What can I say? – 5/30/07

I feel so overwhelmed… life is going to be gone so soon. Life as I know it. Church- gone. Church high school group- gone. Church Jr high ministry- gone. Church friends- gone. High School- gone. High school friends- gone. High

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Amazed – 4/12/07

When Jesus walked among men in the body of a man, he amazed people with mainly two things: The things he said, the teachings he brought, the words he gave The things he did, the miracles he worked, the power

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