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Xanga- 5/12/05


okay people-who-only-read-the-most-recent-post-and-don’t-look-at-the-post-RIGHT-BELOW-IT (*cough* kari and ashley *cough cough*)

I was referring to whether I should call my teacher Mrs. Syms’ little phrases Symsisms or Symsysms?  I like the latter, so I’m going with the latter.

And now for something completely different!


I had a hard boiled egg smashed down on top of my cranium today..

well, i had a math test today, and it went well.  History quiz- easy.  Snoopy returned. PE- Dodgeball- OH YEAH!! After school I played chess with people for a long time…

Anyway, for those who don’t know… I lived in Norway for four years (2nd-5th grade).  When I first got here I used to tell everyone I knew, but then they thought I was bragging so I didn’t ever tell anyone.  But then I have made alot of new friends and never tell them, so when I mention it they’re like- “Oh my gosh! You lived in Norway?!?!”

So, anyway, it was so cool.  Sights.  Sounds.  Even Smells.  In the morning, all three worked together.  As I walked to the bus stop I saw the sea and the sun and the mountains.  I heard seagulls singing to eachother.  And, the best of all, the smell of fresh fish and fertilizer formed a scent that was so neat.  Plus, friends and family, church and school, food and drinks- it was Home.

Well, anyway, I just wanted everyone to hear about my favorite spot in el mundo– Stavanger, Norway.

If anyone has questions or anything, comment please.


MAN!  Does anyone here watch LOST?

It is so awesome!!! It really makes you think… it’s so COOL!!!



Xanga- 5/10/05

everybody at CCCS- or who have previously attended CCCS…

I have unveiled a new word…






For all the little sayings that Mrs. Syms has- “That’s the 15th letter of the alphabet” and “Outstanding student- out standing in the hall” and “you’ll be taking notes till the world looks level…” I already mentioned it to her and she wants me to make a poster for them…





Xanga- 5/7/05

wow, today was the last official day for all the seniors…

Even though I really only got to know some of them over the past two years, I’m gonna miss them…

so here is a shout out (am i allowed to do a shout out even though i’m white?) to all the senior people who I know and will miss- Kaitlin (my Algebra II buddy- the one who could keep me awake during Mr. Browns lectures… “WHAT?!? WHAT WAS THAT, MR. WEPPLER?!?!”), Emily (COCKTAIL!!! “Evan, you’re ugly!”… and many more memories), Sarah (Awana… sigh… and of course, thank you for taking me/letting me take you to Jr. Sr.- I still have my corsiage!), Lindsay M. (Meg… my dearest Meg… thank you for always having me over for parties), Lindsay E. (I’ll never forget the ride home from TAPPS… can’t wait to see you in New York on stage!), Kyle S. (Get krunk for Christ!), Eric (Yearbook will miss it’s best… omnipresent photographer), Matt and Sean (how in the world do you fill those snack machines??? it looks so complicated…), and many more… many many more…

okay- after that- i must announce the invention of a word that all Houstonians and specifically Cypressians (actually, make that two words) see in effect all the time-

Subdivize- to make/turn into subdivisions. Ex: I saw that the forest and all its trees were TORN DOWN just so someone could subdivize it…

according to dictionary.com, the word is subdivide, but i like my version better…!


Xanga- 5/4/05

i want everyone to give props to The Lady Emichan for leading worship at Elementary Chapel with me today, as well as teaching the 4th and 5th graders a lesson in tuning a bass. So, for you that know the tune, join in:

For she’s a jolly good fellow

For she’s a jolly good fellow

For she’s a jolly good fellow

And she has just two more days of school… grrrr



Xanga- 5/3/05


all for jesus…

all i am and have…

and ever hope to be…


Okay, here are twenty different things from the top of my head…

1. OKAY, Bright Eyes is on Jay Leno right now and he’s singing a song about when “the President talks to God” being all flippant and rude— I REALLY WANT TO YELL AT HIM LOUDLY AND PROFUSELY!!!

2. I have a autographed Ken Griffey Jr. Ball- i hope it’s worth some money

3. People listen up- Don’t call every Asian person Chinese- people at school were doing this to one of my friends and i just got annoyed

4. Nestle Toll House Candy Bars- Soft and Chewy Cookie and Brownie are very delactable and scrumptulescent!

5. I saw the Comedy of Errors on Sunday- everyone rocked the house down… I’ve got a feeling if Bill Shakespeare saw it he’d love it… although the dance from Dirty Dancing- although very funny- might have shook up the shakespeare

6. My old e-mail address- evantheoddball@ev1.net

7. When we lived in Norway, on the way to the bus stop there were these bushes with white berries- i loved to pull them off and throw them at people

8. C.S. Lewis is confusing-but-cool

9. One Tree Hill has, unfortunately, turned into another soap opera- it used to be pretty good (sorry if that offends people who love the show)

10. ER and Grey’s Anatomy are two good doctor shows

11. At church this Sunday, a sixth grader in my sixth grade sunday school glass shot a spitball from a few feet away right into my ear canal!- fortunately it came out

12. I grabbed him and was going to beat his brains out until he started biting.

13. Just joking- “WE ARE A NON-VIOLENT GROUP”- said in a Middle-Eastern accent

14.  I’m sorry- does that sound offensive to middle easterns?  Maybe I shouldn’t say that…

15. Today is my Youth pastor’s birthday.  He’s… 30 years old… right J.J.?

16.  I share a birthday with my grandma

17. I love to play pool

18. Too much Scrabble Boggles your Cranium…

19. We’re finally playing Dodgeball at school- It’s so much fun!

20. “I’ve got a fever- And the only prescription… is more COWBELL!!!”

wow, that was a lot of stuff…


