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Are we robots? – 2/5/07

It’s time for a rant on a soapbox!!!

Who here is tired of words that mean nothing coming from people that don’t even know why they’re saying them…

“Good job”
“Have a good day”
“Good to see you”
“Hope you’re doing good”
“Are you okay?”
“Hey, that was great”
“Hey, you’re really nice”

Nothing wrong with compliments and encouragements- but sometimes I wonder- “WHAT ARE THEY REALLY THINKING?”

We walk by people in the hallway and we ask them if they’re doing okay… We want them to reply:
a. “Ok”
b. “Good”
c. “Great”
d. “Alright”
e. “I’m not feeling so good, but other than that, I’m good”
f. “Bad day, but it’s okay”
g. “I just failed a test, but I’m alright”

Any of these responses do not require any more time of us. We don’t have to spend time and talk to them and help them… we just want to keep walking… we don’t want to have to get involved… most often, when a person chooses “d” as their answer, inside they’re thinking:

But that’s how we all like it- superficial salutations and “friendly” greetings… what can we do instead, after all? What can we do when we’re feeling bad and we know someone is going to pop the “You OK?” question…
a. Not say anything to anyone
b. Scream out our inside feelings
c. Tell people we’ll talk to them later
d. Ignore their question and trudge by
e. Summarize the badness in our life
f. Tell them not to worry about it, it’s okay, we’ll get through it

WHAT CHOICES DO WE HAVE?!?! we are all so isolated and alone… we don’t reach out and aren’t reached out to. what can we do?

i don’t know… i just know i’m tired and sick and i’m going to bed. night.



I sometimes wonder the meaning of the actions I say and the words I do – 2/4/07

Now, you might think I meant the “words” I say and the “actions” I do, but I pulled a switcheroo on you… 

What actions come out of the things I say?

When I say certain things, how do they affect people?
When I say certain things, what image do they present of me?
When I say certain things, what do those words do to me?
When I say certain things, how is my life changed?

What words come out of my actions?

Do I proclaim the gospel with my actions?
Do I speak encouraging words with my actions?
Do I state certain beliefs in my actions?
Do I lie with my actions?

And the meaning…
Why do I do what I say and say what I do? Why do I do what I do and say what I say?


When our altars and leaders and monuments become idols – 2/4/07

In our life, we:
Worship God
Follow God
Remember God

Worship- Through this, we come to the “altars” of life and worship him: whether through service, music, learning, church, etc.
But what happens when the “way” we worship becomes the “what” we worship? When we worship the means to worship? When our worship is turned to the worship itself? When we worship worship?

Follow- We follow God, but to do this, we often must follow Christian leaders- pastors, teachers, parents, writers, speakers, musicians, leaders, etc.
But what happens when we stop following the leader to get closer to God but simply follow the leader to get closer to the leader? What happens when we turn their words into Holy Scrip and their actions into holy deeds? What happens when we push them onto God’s throne and treat them thus?

Remember- We remember God, and often this is done through monuments: remembering what He has done in our life, what He did in the Bible, the items that remind us, the memories, etc.
But what happens when we begin to worship our fantasy of our relationship with God? What happens when that perfect closeness to God, that specific time, becomes God? What happens when we put God aside and focus on our concepts and images and ideas and memories of God?

Just a thought…


Internet Pop-Up Games/Ads/FreeGiveAways – 2/3/07

You know those games that let you:
a. shoot a bird
b. slap Donald trump
c. shoot a bird at Donald Trump

They always have some ad, saying:

Well, usually, the stuff they offer sounds cooler… so you think, “Oh yeah, it’s this easy? Cool! Let’s do it!”
So you jump in and play and then a pop-up window comes and says you need to fill out some forms… give out some info… apply… pay money… give over your credit card number… etc. etc. etc… you were promised the prize without telling you all about the work- you heard about the good but not about the bad…

It’s like that in Christianity…

We advertise Jesus as a calculator that solves all problems or an ointment that heals all rashes…
We tell everyone the good, but don’t share the bad…
THE GOOD: Jesus Christ, grace, love, forgiveness, peace, life, promise, hope, Holy Spirit, fellowship, encouragement, strength, a relationship with God, redemption, salvation
THE BAD/HARD: perseverance, faith, prayer, Bible study, trust, evangelism, righteousness, holiness, Christ-likeness, obedience, following God, listening to the Holy Spirit, forgiving others, loving others, sin, Satan, persecution, temptation, struggles, judging

We tell everyone that Jesus Christ offers a new life, His burden is light, His yoke is easy, He gives water of life, He provides every need, will forgive every sin, help you in every trial… then when they’re hooked, we let them find out for themselves how hard everything is. Then they:
a. struggle with it by themselves
b. get frustrated and stop following Christ
c. find people who share the problems they have but take years to actually understand eachother and the struggles they share…

What should we do instead? “Follow Jesus! He brings life and rejection by everyone! Follow Jesus!”

Well, it sounds weird, but Jesus did it, didn’t He?
“The path is narrow”
“People will persecute you”
“I bring fire to the earth”
“In this world You will have trouble”

Jesus let everyone know what they were getting into. He gave people chances to turn away, even encouraging others to leave sometimes… he was upfront about what following Him meant… are we?
not really- we just mention the good, and leave out the bad…
now, we shouldn’t become pessimistic, and focus on the bad, but we need to look at the whole picture… “When You follow Christ, you will get this, this will happen, you will encounter this…”

Jesus sometimes presented the Bad Meat Sandwich- He would say something good, then something bad, then something good as a promise through the bad… examples?

John 16:33b- “…In me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Matthew 5:11-12- “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

(I’m not saying that He did it all the time, but we see it a few times…)

We need to be sure to present the the truth, whole and complete… we shouldn’t trick people into Christianity without letting them know what they’re getting into. Jesus did it. So should we.



Fun things to be done – 2/1/07

I was going to go and hang out with some friends today and I was trying to think of fun things to do, but couldn’t come up with anything that didn’t cost alot, require a good amount of travel, or was pretty boring… here are some ideas of places that should be opened

1. Gameplex- People come in and play board games!!!
2. Have huge gymnasiums for playing tag
3. A labyrynth
4. An art place that supplied you with stuff and you could make stuff
5. Something like that above, but with more metal and plastic and wood and stuff that lasts
6. A music recording studio where you can record bad music for cheapness
7. Places where you can come and make graffitti
8. Places like in Pinnochio where you can break a whole bunch of stuff
9. Go to the dump and search for cool stuff
10. Create an obstacle course with differing heights
11. Have huge fields to create battles and wars and junk and have picnics
12. A place where you can take shaving cream and shampoo and make a mess of yourself for fun
13. Something like in Harriet the Spy, where the woman’s backyard was so weird but cool
14. Go and pick up trash on the side of the road!!!
15. Go door to door and do weird stuff
16. Have a lunch in the middle of a sidewalk or on the side of the road
17. Make a huge pile of junk- rocks, sticks, whatever, and put a huge flag on the top of it
18. Dress up in weird clothes and walk around and do stuff
19. A building filled with trampolines and pads so you can jump around everywhere and not get hurt
20. A river that’s just a pool, but really really long, like one of those rivers at a water park, but have it stretch down for a long time and bring in plants and rocks so it’s kind of real
21. A huge anciet castle or fortress for people to explore
22. A place where you can film your own movies for a low price
23. A whole bunch of mud
24. A place to watch old movies while playing pool and stuff
25. A huge old building to play hide and seek and other games in
26. I’m out of stuff
27. That’s it
28. Bye



Worship – 1/31/07

Idols in Worship / Distractions in Worship / Focuses in Worship / What Worship is really about / Hmm…


We often love to enter into worship through music and song, but I believe that in today’s worship circles, there are many idols that can overtake a person’s mind, soul, body, and spirit, so that their worship, focus, self is not directed to God, but something less important…

1. THE SOUND- After a time of worship, people always will say “Wow, that sounded really good” or “That sounded terrible”. In our definition of worship, music seems to be the main dish, with everything else as side dishes. Worship = Music (and nothing else) for some people. But, as my good pal Ross King would say, “Worship is more than a song”. The truth is, we get to caught up in the music. During the time, we think about: how are the speakers sounding, did they sing that in the right key, this sounds different than the original, I love this song!, this doesn’t sound as good as it did last week, I don’t like his voice/guitar/instrument, I don’t like the flow of the music, and so on and so forth. I think Matt Redman put it best here, “When the music fades, all is stripped away, and I simply come”. For so many people, when they think of worship, they just think of the music… it’s easy to do that. They are very connected, I’m not saying they are not. But worship is so much more than music. But some people make the music their “all”. But when the music changes or there is silence or something happens, and their “all” is stripped away, what do they do? Some people walk away. Matt says we should enter into worship, music or not, whether it sounds good or not!

2. WORSHIP LEADER- Off the top of my head I can think of David Crowder, Chris Tomlin, Ross King, Robbie Seay, Matt Redman, Charlie Hall, Watermark, Leeland, Shane and Shane, Darrell Evans, Todd Proctor, Jeremy Camp, Mercy Me, Spur 58, Todd Agnew, and many more… these people can be idols… “I love this song… I love any song by Charlie Hall”… “Oh, it’s another Crowder song, great!” … “I can’t stand Jeremy Camp’s worship”… etc. etc. etc. We idolize these people and set them up as the focus. But even looking at our own personal worship times at church or school or wherever, we put our focus on the worship leader. The room is usually built that way… big stage, lots of lights, all the chairs directed the the center of the stage where the worship leader sits or stands and says “This isn’t about me”… hard, isn’t it. Everything points to them, but you’re not supposed to focus on them… The layout is so much like a concert… Really a worship leader is simply a person who uses the gifts that God has given them and uses them to help other people worship God… a worship leader can lead the way, but can’t make people follow… and yes, we like to hear from the worship leaders (and I know I’m guilty of this) but we already get a sermon from the pastor… it’s hard… i see things both ways. Well, sometimes I wonder what it was like when Asaph and the Sons of Korah led worship… were they at the front, the back, the sides, the middle, in amongst the people…? I wonder… anyway, our focus is often on the leader and their personality and character, and not God’s…

3. THE LOOK- usually referring to the format of the presentation of the words- do they look interesting? are they colorful? Do they capture your attention? Do they make you think? Do they help the words and music? Are they distracting? Are they ugly? Can you read them? Can you understand them? Sometimes we just look at the slides and praise how creatively done they are (I’m guilty of working for hours on slides… *slap myself on wrist*)… We praise the beautiful slides, but what about the beautiful God? And then if a slide comes in too late or early, people freak out!!! or if one word is wrong, then people are screaming bloody murder!!! once again, it is a tool to help us worship, not the thing we are to focus on itself…

4. THE WORDS- We like certain songs because the words flow, the words sound good, they sound real, they rhyme, they contain vital biblical truth, they are so mysterious and symbolic, and so on. But more often than not WE SING THE FREAKIN’ WORDS WITHOUT EVEN THINKING ABOUT WHAT WE ARE SAYING!!!!!!! we shouldn’t focus on them completely, but we should know what we are declaring to God! They are a tool, we can take it and use it… but often people just look at what the song says and agree or disagree or (more often than not) sing it without a thought in the world… sad…

There are also Distractions, Hindrances, in Worship

1. The Flesh- Hunger, Tiredness, Boredome
2. Other People- Talkers, Disrupters, Nonparticipaters
3. Too much focus on any of the above
4. Electronics- phone, ipod, other devices
5. People going in and out
6. Breaks in the worship flow
7. Outside sounds- from other rooms, from the hall
8. The Setting- worship outside can be tragic for some ADD people

There are things we think about too much in Worship

1. Any of the above
2. Schoolwork
3. Other activities
4. Our friends and family
5. Our plans
6. Our worries
7. Our regretfulness over past actions of the day
8. What people are thinking of us
9. What we might do differen in a worship service (big one for me)
10. What is wrong with people
11. Problems
12. Food

Things that are important, despite everything else, in worship

1. Excellence- We can make sound a god, but we should do everything excellently. We are to do everything as for God not man, and bring the best of our abilities into worship (specifically worship leading). Exodus 23:19 says “Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the LORD your God.” We need to pursue excellence, but NOT MAKE AN IDOL OUT OF IT!

2. Attitude- What is your approach? Why are you here? What do you want to do here? Who is God? Who are you? What is worship? You should know all this so you know how to think, act, sing, listen, learn, grow, how to be in the worship service. 2 Chronicles 19:9 says “He gave them these orders: “You must serve faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the LORD.” Our spiritual act of worship is serving God with our whole life, right? Well, to serve we must do it wholeheartedly (excellence) and with the appropriate attitude: ultimately fear of the Lord- awe, respect, fear, and understanding who God is and who You are…

3. Focus- What you focus on is your god. Short and simple. You can do other things than pray, read the Bible, go to church, and worship, but what is your focus in all of this? God. And in worship, you need to focus on God. Devotion. Obsession. Focus on Him. In Nehemiah 5:16, Nehemiah says to God “Instead, I devoted myself to the work on this wall” Some might say, “OH Well, he should have been in church more often…” but really, though he was focused and devoted to the working/building of the wall. he was really devoting Himself and focusing on serving God.

4. The Heart’s Love- Ultimately, it all comes down to love. What does your heart love? Do you love worship? not just music, or worship leaders, or your church, or the words, or the songs, but spending time in prayer and praise to God? In Luke 12:34, Jesus says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”… So is your heart beating for your clothes, your possesions, your appearance, your works, is the treasure that you desire with all your heart and soul and mind and being God or some temporary thing? What do you love? What does your heart beat for?

5. Your Life- Your Life is the sacrifice God wants… but not to burn it and throw out the ashes… he wants to transform you and make you new… but He wants you to give over your life to Him… Paul urges the Romans in Romans 12:1, “offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” Giving it all over. Surrender. Complete service. Living for God as a living sacrifice”

All of the other elements of worship are external… but God looks at the heart.

1 Chronicles 28:9- David tells his son Solomon
“And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with awilling mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.”

(acknowledge- let God be the one you love, serve-let your worship be your life, wholehearted- do it to the best of your being, devotion- focus on God, willing mind- approach Him with the right attitude)

James writes
“Draw Near to God and He will Draw Near to You” !

Ultimately, we worship all throughout our life. We just choose what we worship, what is important, what we draw near to- The things of this earth, or the One of Eternity… Hmmm…



Change and Chocolate Milk – 1/29/07

How do you change the little things to change the big thing?- A conversation with me and the Know-It-Alls / And a talk of Chocolate Milk


I want to have a new life. I want to live the life of Jesus Christ, Him in me and through me.

But how?

“Read the Bible”
“Go to church”
“umm… read the Bible?”
– Johnny and Sally Know-It-All

But how do I change my attitude? My habits? My characteristics? My sinful practices? My skills? My diligence? My heart? My inside? My treatment of others? My words? My thoughts? My mind? My soul? My following? My friends? My choices? My actions? How?

“Well, you don’t change yourself, Jesus changes You”
– Sally Know-It-All

But God gives us free will. It says in James that if I draw near to God, He will draw near to me. What I do affects what He does. So if I want Him to change me (it’s true- that’s the big thing) I have to work at changing myself. It says in 1st John that we will be like Him when He returns, and that everyone who has this hope purifies himself. He is going to do the job, but within Him working, we work. He uses us to do His work.

So how can I change?

“Ask WWJD. What would Jesus do?”
– Johnny Know-it-all

Well, what if I don’t know what a Jewish carpenter/teacher from the 1st century of Israel would think.

“Silly, Jesus is God. Just ask: What Would God do?”
– Sally Know-It-All

Yeah, but we know that God does everything right, right? Okay, so no matter what He does, he doesn’t have to worry about doing anything wrong, right? Well, I’m not God. And while I can ask “What Would God Do?” (WWGD… hmm… not as catchy as WWJD), I really can’t answer that.

“Well that’s why you read your Bible, pray, and go to church”
– Johnny and Sally in Unison

Yeah, but that aside, say I have read and studied and prayed and talked and listened and learned and have done all that. So when it comes to the regular school day, how do I know what to do? I suppose I am supposed to suppose the personification of a perfect being, right? Okay…

  • Checklist
  • Do everything right
  • Follow every instruction
  • Obey every leader
  • Love everyone
  • Speak the truth
  • Be holy and righteous

Wait, so what do I do when the teacher tells us to work in our books and someone asks for help and I know I shouldn’t talk but I know I should help, so what do I do? Brain defunction!!!

“Hmm… that’s a tricky one. Why don’t you pray about it?”- Johnny

Okay, so I pray. I don’t get an answer. What then?

“Um… do what the Bible says?”- Sally

I don’t remember any verses about doing homework and assisting a classmate. What about some help from today?

“Um… church?”- Johnny (gulp!)

Yeah, but the pastor has never brought this situation up. If I obey, I don’t love. If I love, I disobey. If I disobey, I don’t love, and If I love, I obey. what do I do?

“Wait… what… hold on… did you get that… um… um… BRAIN DEFUNCTION! BRAIN DEFUNCTION!”- Sally and Johnny drop to the floor, their heads crack open, revealing their robot brains within

So now the Know-It-Alls are gone, let’s really think. How can I be more like Christ?

In Obedience versus Love what did He choose?- LOVE. Not that he disobeyed (somehow he managed against those rules), but he always chose to love others (even loving the Pharisees by showing them all their mess, i believe)

In Being Quiet versus Being Loud, what did He choose? LOUDNESS. He spoke out against the bad, but what about with people outside his circle or the less mature people. He didn’t speak out against their sin, first He loved. He was loud and present, but not annoying (except maybe the Pharisees

In Serving versus Being Taken Advantage of– He SERVED. I’m always afraid of being taken advantage of, when I give money or help others, but really, Jesus offers to be taken advantage of. He gives water and bread without end, the Spirit without limit, He goes the extra mile, He pours out His being for the world… I can pour mine out too, right?

In Reading the Bible versus Getting Involved in others– He chose to GET INVOLVED. Sometimes I feel like sitting and reading my Bible instead of talking to people. Now, reading God’s Word is always good, but if you look at Jesus, he chose to be one on one with God at certain times, but He knew that his ministry, his whole reason for being there was to bring in people. I have that mission too.

In Blending in versus Standing Out, he STOOD OUT. Yes, he sometimes slipped among people and had a face that didn’t stand out, but when He had the choice, He chose to be an example, a teacher, a leader, a sore thumb, a bright light, a bright red polka dot amongst a sheet of gray fabric. How can I stand out?

The thing is, how can Jesus be seen in me? Jesus had it easy. He was Jesus. His being was His own. He did not have to empty himself to put on Christ Jesus or have an attitude like Jesus Christ. Jesus was Jesus. But I’m not. I’m Evan. I have the body, the soul, the spirit, the mind, the attitude, the character, the self, the being of Evan. What am I supposed to do? Empty myself and fill myself with the life of a Jewish Carpenter? That would be great, but really, how can I do it? Can I hold on to my feelings, my likes, my skills, talents, abilities, gifts? Do I have to lose everything and take it back up again?

Am I more like a glass of milk that is poured out and then filled with chocolate milk, or am I milk that has chocolate syrup poured in me to make me more and more chocolatey. In the first, the emptying and the filling couldn’t be gradual, because the milk would slip out of the glass and cling to the outside. It would have to be one fell swoop- Out Me, In Jesus. But with the second, I am still the certain milk with the certain flavor, certain feel, certain being- then the chocolate comes in, sweeter than anything, and intensifies my being. The chocolate makes me sweeter, thicker, stronger, darker, better.

So, am I Jesus in Evan’s skin or Evan with the being of Jesus flowing into me? How does it flow? By reading God’s Word, taking pieces, eating it, chewing it over and letting it become part of me. By praying and relaxing and talking to Him, opening my heart and soul to Him to let the chocolate pour in. By replacing all my bad things- habits, interests, sins- with good things. By looking at certain qualities in the Bible and trying to improve myself in that area. By getting involved with other people so that I can breathe in God’s love as He hovers over them. By losing my energy running after Him so that when I catch Him and have times of worship and intimacy, I am charged back up again.

So, is it true? Can I really be me with Jesus? Can we be two in one? Can I still be me? Can I be my milk?

I want a new life. So God pour into me Your Life, so that all the scum floating at the top of my milk would go away and be washed away. Chocolatify me so that I taste and smell more like You!!!



God’s Presence – 1/28/07

Yes, we know that God is near us. But when we don’t feel Him, we say that He has left us. When we feel bad we feel like He’s not there.

Well, we all love the God of comfort, but how do we feel about the Man of Sorrows? The God that uses pain and suffering to teach lessons and discipline us? How about the God of Wrath? Is it possible that when we don’t get that “nice” feeling, it’s not because God’s presence has left us or anything, but simply that God is with us, and another part of His nature overshadows us…


A SONG (Flowing out of my mind and onto the page)

I reach up my hands to touch the cloud of your presence
I want to feel You floating over me
I want your comfort to rain down and your power to flow through me
Oh God of constant presence be with me!
Oh God of constant presence be with me!

I close my eyes that I might see you in the darkness
A picture of an invisible God within my eyelids
I hope and dream and pray and sing and joyfully imagine
What it would be like if I could see you here!
What would it be like if I could see you here?

I rock back and forth, jumping, moving along to the song
As if there’s a little child trying to get out of me
A fire that wants to spread, a wind that wants to blow, a child that wants to break free
I want to be free and be with you!
I want to be free and be with you!

I sit down. I stop the flow of words. And sit silently.
Hearing voices of all people singing praise to Thee
And I thank you for Your presence in this place, with Your People Free
Oh God of constant presence be with me!
Oh God of constant presence be with me!
I want to see, I want to be free with You
I want to see, I want to be free with You!
Oh God of constant presence, You are here with me!
I want to be with You, See You, Be free with You!



Thoughts from ATF (Acquire the Fire) – 1/27/07

– What is true worship? Singing? Dancing? Emotions? Or is it Romans 12:1-2
– When we make “promises” and don’t fulfill them, isn’t that a sin?
– Why can’t we be this excited in real life? Should we be?
– We need to stand up for the truth, but we need to love- We need to bridge the gap. Lovingly spread the truth
– Should we keep jobs in the media? Yes, because then we can influence it for the better. Or, No, when we have to make comprimises and lead others astray. But how far does it go? When we are outright lying, stealing, or helping others do it, its wrong. But what about when your job is to do certain things that possibly could influence people for the worse. You could lose your good influence if you lose your job.
– When you boycott and protest certain things because of morals, shouldn’t you protest other things because of things like quality of life and humane treatment, like corporations that use sweatshops or slave labor or have little regard for their workers, things like Nike or the such. And what about companies that are connected to cigarette companies? There’s so much we don’t see, but if we get down to the nitty gritty and find out, we may not like what we find.
– Should we focus on quantity or quality in church? Numbers or strength? Can it be both?
– Emotions…. hmm… I want to get excited, but I want it spread out into my real life! I want to be real! I don’t like the mask, but it seems like I have to put it on all the time…
From the car ride home, so many thoughts. So many thoughts…