Sounds 1. Freshman Year at Baylor– a mix CD from my friend Luis, soundtracks from the Tarzan musical, Oceans Twelve, Remember the Titans 2. Daycamp Week One at Camp Good News, 2007– Picaresque by The Decemberists 3. My roommate from freshman year– The
25 Things- 2/15/09
—-1—– If I could, I would want to go back in time. For multiple purposes- In some cases, it would be great to make new choices in my life, try things different. In some cases, I would simply like to
16 Things- 12/14/08
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
The 23 flavors of Dr Pepper, finally revealed- 11/11/08
while at the Dr. Pepper museum, I discovered a secreat memo hidden behind a display… this memo contained the secret ingredients of Dr. Pepper- if I die, you know that the DP Mafia got me, and I just want to
Confirmation of Calling – 10/24/08
I love saying that. Confirmation of Calling. Maybe it’s not, maybe it is. Maybe I should simply say Confirmation of the Holy Spirit. or Confirmation of James 4:17. or Confirmation of the love of God, the goodness of God. He
Ezekiel 34 – 10/18/08
Sometimes I wonder if God desolates and destroys so that His People can have a chance to restore and redeem, to show love and grace, to help and serve, to reach and preach. Edom was destroyed because of its evil
God, our Shepherd and High Priest, who saves us, leads us, and makes sure we don’t fall away – 10/17/08
Ezekiel 34 and Hebrews 5 God is Our Shepherd. God is Our High Priest. When others lead us wrongly, He comes in and takes over. When we are struggling, He comes in and helps us, because He has been where
Ezekiel 30 and Hebrews 1 – 10/13/08
Ezekiel 30- Hebrews 1 The day of the Lord is a day of fear and trembling, power and might, doom and destruction The son of the Lord is a man of radiance and glory, love and truth, grace and salvation
Full Life- 2 Months Later- 10/9/08
Okay, so 2 months ago I wrote a note about my life… Here is most of it… * I miss living a life with the things that fill up my life. *Imagine life as a glass. You can fill your
It’s amazing how great a day can be and how it can just… turn. – 10/9/08
Titus 2 and Ezekiel 23 Lord, let me work on self-control, so that I can be your man. Help me to move from a young man to an older man. Let no one despise me, but let them see the