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Seven Deadly “Spiritual” Sins and Seven Life Giving Practices- 1/16/07

Seven Deadly Spiritual Sins

Spiritual pride- We have all had it at one time or another. “I’m reading my Bible, praying every day, and am the only Christian at school who sticks to their beliefs…” Pride, in any form, can be dangerous, because in it, we set ourselves on our own pedestal. Then when we realize we need God and other people to make it through life, we don’t know what to do, so we fall and stay hurt for a long time… Is it possible that Job had spiritual pride?

Spiritual lust- Is it possible? The definition of lust is “intense sexual desire or appetite” or “uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness” or “a passionate or overmastering desire or craving” or “ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish: an enviable lust for life”
Hmm… have to think about that one…

Spiritual greed- Definitely. Definition? “Excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions”. Do we not see this in the life of certain pastors? Pastor Bob cheats little old lady out of their pensions to buy his new Lamborgini. Do we not see this in megachurches? Faith Life Church of Houston (madeup… i think) wants to look like the best church out there, so they want the best sound system, best musicians, best looking members (a little pride too?)… Do we not see this in the lives of Christians? Joe wants to have every spiritual gift (a stretch? maybe…)

Spiritual Gluttony and Spiritual Slothfulness- GOES HAND IN HAND
Sure. Fill yourself up and sit there and do nothing. Happens all the time. Most churchgoers hear the Word, read the Word, study the Word but do not pass on this knowledge, truth, wisdom to their friends, family, coworkers. They just sit on their butts and think about it. There are definitely spiritual sloths in our world today. So many believers that want to go to every conference, hear every christian cd, read every christian book, use every bible study, go to every service, etc. etc. etc. and want it all (greed perhaps?). And then there are those Christians who sit in church and do nothing. They leave their faith in the pew to be picked up again next week (although when it is picked up, it is only as an adornment [pride, perhaps])

Spiritual Envy- One of the formost. Main Street Baptist looks at 2nd Street Baptist and wishes they had the same inflow of visitors. Jordan looks at Austin and wants to be more humble, more kind, more loving than Austin (a little pride and greed mixed in too). We’re even taught spiritual envy. We read of Bible heroes and hear of their good qualities and are silently told to envy their traits and imitate them (Yes, we should have role models, we should follow biblical and spiritual leaders, we should have good examples to imitate, but sometimes preachers teach about Nehemiah and throw in guilt, basically saying “He was great. This great. Don’t you want to be that great? And he didn’t even know about Jesus. You do! How’s that sound?”) How’s that sound?

Spiritual Wrath- Oh, yes, one of the most beloved of the deadly sins. Often pointed out by the media and other nonChristians, often referred to by extreme fundamentalists as “zeal” or “standing for truth”, often the reason people leave the church. “You’re going to hell you sinner!” Yes, it might be true. But could it be said in a more loving way? No, don’t water down the message, but simply pour in some of the love Jesus showed you, you sinner! Judgment. Abuse. How many times have unbelievers been torn down or broken down by believers? Christians get spiritually wrathful and harp and scream and yell and go overboard, often taking the church down with them. Then they look back and say that it was all because of their Love for God? Hm… what about that other half of the great commandments, huh?


1. Love- God is Love. Period.
2. Forgive- Be gracious, be merciful, forgive as you have been forgiven.
3. Give- You have been given much. Give much.
4. Serve- Serve God, submitting in worship. Serve others, showing Christ.
5. Faithfulness- Be Faithful to God, Faithful to Friends and Family, Faithful to your faith
6. Hope/Dream- See the world with the eyes of Christ, be creative, be free
7. Grow- Learn. Discover. Become. Grow in Christ.

There are many more, but here’s a little looksee. looksy? hmm…




Posted under: Genius and Lunacy

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