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Xanga- 4/25/05

Well, to make up for lost days, here it goes-

FRIDAY- Woke up early and took the bus to the school for the speech meet and me and Lisa presented our duet and did fabulous and there was only one other duet and they did something from Anne of Green Gables but broke character and started laughing and anyway we did so good we ended up winning gold medals!!!  Meanwhile all this time I was working on a speech to give at Student Council Speeches that were taking place at 2:30 but then it turns out that traffic was bad so the bus arrived at the school just in time for me, Jesica, and Billy to make speeches but I was mad because I worked so hard on my 3 page speech and that I missed everyone elses’ speeches but it was cool because everyone cheered as we came in.  I did my speech and did ok (I think I sounded fumbled and bumbled but everyone said I did great).  After that I did Good News Clubs at Lampkin and after that I went to the Volunteer Appreciation banquet and it was themed like the Academy Awards and was tons of fun and since my family wasn’t there I sat with the Moschettas and got some certificates and laughed and laughed and laughed at all the funny skits.  Then I went home and collapsed and went to bed.

SATURDAY- Slept in til twelve. Had skit practice from one to three.  Worked on homework.  Ate at Bennigans.  Watched “Taxi”.  Laughed.

SUNDAY- Well, I was playing Jesus in the skit at church so I had to get to practice at eight and we practiced then I headed over to Jr. High to help out and the Days led worship, but the entire guys side was standing in front of the screen so we sat down so everyone could see the words (I need to talk to David about that arrangement).  The skit went well and I also played “The Fruit of the Spirit” and gave a fun introduction and the kids had fun and I had fun and then after church I was going to go to a swim party but couldn’t because of driving reasons so we went home, had lunch, watched part of “Flight of the Phoenix” and went to the Awana Awards thing and got an award and dressed up and yeah.  Then we came home, I finished the movie and slept and worked on my paper and watched TV and worked on my xanga and here I am.

Tomorrow I have a math test and I don’t understand part of it.   EEEH! (frustrated)  And I have homework and…UHHHH! (even more frustrated).  And I’m feeling better… OHHH! (frustrated because I can’t stay home from school tomorrow).  Look behind you… AHHHH! It’s a ghost!!!!! (snickering) and (yawning) and… I need to go to bed…


verbosity rules


Posted under: Xanga

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