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Xanga- 6/14/05

hey, i’m back!!!

i’ll tell the whole camp story later, cause it’s late already… and just wanted to let people know i’m here

and in the past three days, i’ve seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Incredibles, and The Butterfly Effect.  Post if you’ve seen any or all and rate them.  I’d say 5 thumbs up, 3.2 thumbs up, and 4 1/12 thumbs up.




Xanga- 6/5/05

Hey everyone

Well, today, No SAT.  Registration didn’t go through.  Bummer.

So, I went to the KSBJ Summerfest thing with my dad.  Saw bands, had my hat signed, got sun burn and came home and watched a good movie- National Treasure.

I’ll be leaving for camp tomorrow, so if I don’t see ya, bye.

And I was just wondering if all of y’all reading this, wherever whenever, I was wondering if you could pray for me and all the other counselors this week at Camp Good News, that we will be able to lead the kids well and they will have fun and grow.  Just a quick prayer right now as you’re reading this.

Thank you.





Xanga- 6/4/05

Well, it wasn’t a maybe- it was for sure.  I packed up and went with my family to Waco to drop my sister off for summer classes and we drove me to camp.  Boy, that wasinteresting…

Overall, it’s been an ENJOYABLE few days.  Here’s my synapse synospsis.

Monday- Drove to Waco. Slept. Moved Amanda in.  Drove to camp.  Finally found it.  Arrived at camp.  Didn’t see anybody there.  Almost left.  Found everyone at the mess hall.  Moved in.  Parents left.  Met people.  Was sad to find out people such as Mike, Barry, and others weren’t back.  Played Capture the Flag in a long sleeve white t-shirt in the dark in a field.  Two guys running around conked heads and had to go to the hospital for stitches.  Went to bed.  Slept.

Tuesday- Woke up.  Found mess hall.  Ate breakfast.  Devo.  Piled sideways into a car.  Drove to a parking lot.  Got in a bus.  Drove to Star of Hope.  Ate lunch at break-neck speeds with wind flying through my sandwich.  Got to Star of Hope.  Had a meeting.  Took a tour.  Saw one of my kids from last year who will be coming again!  Find out about one of my other kids from last year who is now a lead trombonist at his school!  Drove back, in bus and car.  Got to camp.  Had dinner.  Had a fireside.  Heard about coming storm.  Went to bed.  Woke up.  At 3:00.  Rain pouring through the screen walls (well, really sprinkling, but pouring sounds better).  Hear that we are supposed to run on over to a safe building.  Don’t know what to grab.  Decide which things I don’t want crushed by a tornado or rained upon, so I grab my backpacks full of stuff and my guitar and run through the pouring (yes, this time it really was pouring rain).  Arrive at house safe.  Then everybody goes to sleep- with the pillows and sleeping bags they brought.  So I,lacking those items, slept in a chair with a borrowed pillow, then on the floor, first with a pillow, then I lost a pillow and gained a blanket and used a towel as a pillow… yeah… anyway… that was fun.

Wednesday- All the same morning stuff from Tuesday.  Learned First Aid.  Have a session while other group learns CPR.  Blazed some trails.  Helped build a bonfire.  Had lunch.  Had freetime.  Played dominoes.  Had dinner.  Played Gestapo!  It was so much fun!  There were three buckets around the guys cabin- Our team, the other team, and the gestapos bucket.  We were supposed to sneak through the dark carrying one popsicle stick at a time, and get it in our team’s bucket without either Kora or Patrick shining a spotlight on us and calling us out.  I did pretty badly.  But our team won!  It was so exhilerating and tiring.  So I. Slept.

Thursday-  Busy day.  Morning stuff.  Got to play a mandolin!!!  Learned CPR and other stuff.  Finished that up.  Had lunch.  Free time.  Played Kickball.  Made an awesome kick in which I kicked the dirt under the ball, raising dust everywhere, and yet actually making an ok kick, and then running and flying into the dirt trying to dodge the undodgable ball.  (wow, that was really bad grammar!).  Then we played Flag Football.  I made another great play.  I caught the ball and held it over my head, and brought my hands down,balancing the ball on top of Old Smokey (my head) and then letting it roll down my back, and unfortunately, not catching it.  Whew!  Ate dinner.  Played Ultimate Frisbee.  It was great!  Then, the best thing ever- We chose Counselor Nicknames.  Here are just a few of the great ones.  Interdigitation.  Nanny Fran.  Camp Mom.  Feliz Navidad.  Manana.  McAwesome.  Buddy Holly.  Wambi.  Insomniac.  Littlefoot.  G.I. Popsicle.

Friday- Packed up. Morning stuff.  Got to Breakfast late.  Devo.  Session on Abuse…

man, it’s just so sad we live in this sad world, where kids are abused emotionally, verbally, physically, and sexually.  It messes kids up!  How could somebody do something like that!  It’s revolting and terrible!!!  We also live in a world where kids will make up abuse stories to get attention.  Where we, as guy counselors, can’t show kindness and friendliness to girls that don’t have dads and just want someone as a friend.  Where we can’t have one on one talks with kids because we could be accused of terrible things and wouldn’t have anyone to back us up.  Where people actually come to camp and abuse little kids.  God’s children.  How could someone do that?

(stepping off soap box)

(ending my ranting and raving)

(taking deep slow breaths)

Sorry, but I really take that seriously.  I love working with kids and might even be a children’s pastor someday.  Whatever God has up His sleeves.  (but do His shirts even have sleeves??? ohh….. now I got you thinking, huh?)

anyway, then I joined with other Junior Counselors that just arrived (I could have come later in the week, but I’m supposed to take the SAT on Saturday, so I just came earlier and left earlier).  We played Ice breaker games.  Saw people I knew.  Started a tour.  Then my mom arrived.  Then we heard about the storm with 80 mile winds.  Ended up leaving anyway.  Was going to go to KSBJ concert, but was so tired, just went home.  Slept.  And Slept.  Watched “In Good Company“.  Gave it 4 out of 5 thumbs up.  Wrote on my xanga.  Clicked submit.  Read other people’s xangas.  Slept.  (I’m just guessing about those last three, because they have yet to happen) (Alright, Now I’m done)

talk to y’all later

Evan (or as my Counselor Nickname, which I have had since I was a CIT even though I wasn’t really supposed to have nickname then but I am now so here it is) –




Xanga- 5/29/05

well, it’s been a good few productive days! i slept, slept, and slept some more! WOO HOO!

And yes- we are now a 3-car family.  The newest addition? A mettalic dark green Rav4 !!!!!  It’s my sister’s and it’s pretty sweet and awesome and oh snap-a-licious!

I shall be leaving for camp, if not monday then friday, and if not friday, then sunday, so if i don’t see you before then- good afternoon, good evening, and good night!



Xanga- 5/26/05

I’m one of those people who can sing the praise and worship songs with their eyes closed…

…but wouldn’t it be cool to be able to say Bible verses from the top of my head… and not just my head, but from my heart… that would be cool… anyone want to join me in this venture?  reading the Bible so much and so deeply that the verses just stick to the side of your head and your heart like duct tape anyone?



Xanga- 5/25/05

I have realized something.  I have known it for quite a while, but haven’t written about it yet.  So here it goes.

I know more Christian song lyrics than Bible verses.

I don’t know about some of y’all, but I think that’s sad.  That’s just not good.  I mean, Christian songs have truth in them, but it’s not taking it from the source.  I have to do something about that.  I need to spend more time in the Word.



Xanga- 5/23/05

welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll… (to those with too much time on their hands, how many l’s is that?)

good week. gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood week. (how many o’s?)

Here is my Synapse Synopsis-

Friday- Took Algebra.  Did good.  Got a 98.  WOO. HOO.  Went home.  Conspired with Trent.  Had fun doing… something to… someone whose name rhymes with Smannie.  Went to Kohl’s.  Got clothes.  Went to mall.  Got hair cut.  Went to dance.  Danced.  Went home.  Slept.

Saturday- Went to car dealerships.  Saw two sweet rides for my sis.  A turquoise blue Beatle or a Dark Green Rav4.  Family is out at this very second possible buying one of them for all I know.  Went to JD’s for pool party.  Swam.  Ate food.  Had fun.  Yeah.  Went home.  Watched After the Sunset.  Thought it was hokey.  Watched extremely thin Lindsay Lohan on SNL.  Eghh.

Sunday- Went to church.  Helped in Jr. High.  Played Colin in pool.  Sang and heard Keeley sing her solo (you did awesome!).  Left to go to car dealership to look at my possible car- Metallic Blue Rav4.  Decided against it.  Went to movie theater.  Saw Star Wars 3.  Thought it was sad.  Shuddered when Annakin killed the Jedi kids.  Shuddered again when all the Jedis died.  Oh man… Found out that that was MIC’S LAST SUNDAY!  Got mad that we didn’t hang out and started to plan my escape to Colorado… keep in on the DL.  Went home.  Studied for World History and English

Monday- Woke up.  Took World History.  Did ‘kay.  Took Bible.  Hope for at least a 90.  Went home.  Slept.  Went to guitar lesson.  Went home.  Watched TV.  Studied.  Played guitar.


Here take this quiz! I made a Quiz for You on QuizYourFriends.com

CLICK on the link below or PASTE it into your browser.




Xanga- 5/19/05


… i didn’t go to the concert…

It turns out only Spur58 were playing there and since I just saw them I decided not to go.  Instead I stayed home, watched Lost and Alias, and studied muchos.

I saw three people I hadn’t seen for a while yesterday, so here they are in order of appearance:

1. Ms. Tapp (now Mrs. Terryl)- she was my sixth grade Bible teacher, and was and is really really nice

2. My cousin Esther- she stopped by with my sister and we hung out for a bit after school… she’s sooooooooooo funny and random… so you can see how she is my cousin…

3. Kelcey Sberna- she used to go to CCCS and I hadn’t seen her since last year, and she looked really different!


Well, Chem and Span weren’t spic and span and no matter what it’s in God’s hand…



OHYEAH- I stole this idea from Rachel W’s xanga…

– Describe me in one word ((and don’t just say something like “nice”)-

and all of y’all who read but don’t post, just post now… it’s only one word…



Xanga- 5/17/05

Okay, I just have to get something out of my head…

“You make me wanna la la!”

Everytime I’ve made a new post, I’ve wanted to write it down.  And no- I do not like Ashlee Simpson- I hate her!!  It’s just that one time in Drama Class, we were all pretending to be weird people, so Hillary H. pretended to be Ashlee’s voice over… it was SOOO FUNNY!!!

(okay, I shall never write those six words again… of course, is la a word?… is lala just one word?… and yes- I know what it means and I think it’s disgusting!)


-Okay Everyone!  I have had this idea for a while now, but it just hit me in a different way today…

Well, you know how there are quite a few Australian, British, and Canadian Christian musicians?  Well, I have thought that they should all go on a tour together, but I didn’t know what to call it… well, now I do.

It shall be called…  The British Empire Strikes Back © ® ™ !!!!

All artists from previous countries of the British Empire join in- if there are any from India or New Zealand and all of the above places… I think it would be so cool!!!!!!!!  It could involve Delirious?, Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, the Newsboys, Rebecca St. James, downhere, Starfield, Hawk Nelson, Kathryn Scott, Eoghan Heaslip, Phil Joel, Hillsong, United Live, Darlene Zsech, Paul Colman, and many more I can’t think of!!!  It would be so cool.  And now I have it in writing.  So if someone takes my idea I can sue them!  WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!______________________________________________________________________________

