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Xanga- 5/23/05

welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll… (to those with too much time on their hands, how many l’s is that?)

good week. gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood week. (how many o’s?)

Here is my Synapse Synopsis-

Friday- Took Algebra.  Did good.  Got a 98.  WOO. HOO.  Went home.  Conspired with Trent.  Had fun doing… something to… someone whose name rhymes with Smannie.  Went to Kohl’s.  Got clothes.  Went to mall.  Got hair cut.  Went to dance.  Danced.  Went home.  Slept.

Saturday- Went to car dealerships.  Saw two sweet rides for my sis.  A turquoise blue Beatle or a Dark Green Rav4.  Family is out at this very second possible buying one of them for all I know.  Went to JD’s for pool party.  Swam.  Ate food.  Had fun.  Yeah.  Went home.  Watched After the Sunset.  Thought it was hokey.  Watched extremely thin Lindsay Lohan on SNL.  Eghh.

Sunday- Went to church.  Helped in Jr. High.  Played Colin in pool.  Sang and heard Keeley sing her solo (you did awesome!).  Left to go to car dealership to look at my possible car- Metallic Blue Rav4.  Decided against it.  Went to movie theater.  Saw Star Wars 3.  Thought it was sad.  Shuddered when Annakin killed the Jedi kids.  Shuddered again when all the Jedis died.  Oh man… Found out that that was MIC’S LAST SUNDAY!  Got mad that we didn’t hang out and started to plan my escape to Colorado… keep in on the DL.  Went home.  Studied for World History and English

Monday- Woke up.  Took World History.  Did ‘kay.  Took Bible.  Hope for at least a 90.  Went home.  Slept.  Went to guitar lesson.  Went home.  Watched TV.  Studied.  Played guitar.


Here take this quiz! I made a Quiz for You on QuizYourFriends.com

CLICK on the link below or PASTE it into your browser.




Xanga- 5/19/05


… i didn’t go to the concert…

It turns out only Spur58 were playing there and since I just saw them I decided not to go.  Instead I stayed home, watched Lost and Alias, and studied muchos.

I saw three people I hadn’t seen for a while yesterday, so here they are in order of appearance:

1. Ms. Tapp (now Mrs. Terryl)- she was my sixth grade Bible teacher, and was and is really really nice

2. My cousin Esther- she stopped by with my sister and we hung out for a bit after school… she’s sooooooooooo funny and random… so you can see how she is my cousin…

3. Kelcey Sberna- she used to go to CCCS and I hadn’t seen her since last year, and she looked really different!


Well, Chem and Span weren’t spic and span and no matter what it’s in God’s hand…



OHYEAH- I stole this idea from Rachel W’s xanga…

– Describe me in one word ((and don’t just say something like “nice”)-

and all of y’all who read but don’t post, just post now… it’s only one word…



Xanga- 5/17/05

Okay, I just have to get something out of my head…

“You make me wanna la la!”

Everytime I’ve made a new post, I’ve wanted to write it down.  And no- I do not like Ashlee Simpson- I hate her!!  It’s just that one time in Drama Class, we were all pretending to be weird people, so Hillary H. pretended to be Ashlee’s voice over… it was SOOO FUNNY!!!

(okay, I shall never write those six words again… of course, is la a word?… is lala just one word?… and yes- I know what it means and I think it’s disgusting!)


-Okay Everyone!  I have had this idea for a while now, but it just hit me in a different way today…

Well, you know how there are quite a few Australian, British, and Canadian Christian musicians?  Well, I have thought that they should all go on a tour together, but I didn’t know what to call it… well, now I do.

It shall be called…  The British Empire Strikes Back © ® ™ !!!!

All artists from previous countries of the British Empire join in- if there are any from India or New Zealand and all of the above places… I think it would be so cool!!!!!!!!  It could involve Delirious?, Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, the Newsboys, Rebecca St. James, downhere, Starfield, Hawk Nelson, Kathryn Scott, Eoghan Heaslip, Phil Joel, Hillsong, United Live, Darlene Zsech, Paul Colman, and many more I can’t think of!!!  It would be so cool.  And now I have it in writing.  So if someone takes my idea I can sue them!  WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!______________________________________________________________________________



Xanga- 5/16/05

Should I shoot the bunny and get a free Play Station Portable???

Well, today was good.  I met really early in the morning with some of the Juniors and Caroline and Michelle talked about some of her plans for next year and they sound great! I really hope we will allow God to work through us next year.

I got accepted as a counselor at Camp Good News!!! I was pretty sure I would, but was a little worried on how late I sent it in… anyway, I’m in!

Random quote (I open the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, flip to a random page and point to a random quote): “Govern two millions of men, impatient of servitude, on the principles of freedom”- Edmund Burke 1729-1797

(I have no clue who he is, where he was from, when he said it, why he said it, who he said it to, what he was talking about, and how he said it… but yeah!)

This summer I hope to do alot of stuff.  Hopefully I will…




Xanga- 5/15/05

okay, everyone… don’t worry I’m not sad about norway… i just reminisce sometimes…

Anyway, I can’t wait for Wednesday night.  I’m getting to go to a concert for two artists that I love!- Ross King and Spur 58.

I first got to know Ross King through camp, and now have all but one of his CDs.  He is such a great musician and though-provoking-songwriter.

I got spur 58’s first cd at a christian bookstore because it had the song “Forever my Love” on it… Then after a while I got their next one and their next one and their other one too.

It’s so strange that they will both be playing at the same place- Ross is from College Station and Spur came from Sugarland.  They really don’t have any common ties I can think of- I think it is just God’s hand working.

Anyway, if anybody wants to come along, post a comment and I’ll get back to you.  It’s Wednesday, May 18th, at the Metropolitan Baptist Church- not the actual church but the other building by the library I think… if you want to find out more post a comment and I’ll get back to you.  You can also go to ross’s or spur’s websites:



I can’t wait!!!




Xanga- 5/14/05

Today was the Fine Arts Banquet.  AWESOME JOB to everyone who participated.

By the way everyone, if my eyes look red, don’t worry.  They do that sometimes.  It’s not allergies and I am getting good sleep- they just go red sometimes.

10 Things I love

1. Norway

2. Kids

3. Music that Glorifies God

4. Helping others out

5. Writing

6. My Family

7. Camp Good News

8. Hanging out with friends

9. Pool

10. God- who made all of the above and is found in all the above and works through all of the above (of course according to “The Music Man”, not pool).  Really he is No. 1 through infinity.  He is the beginning and the end and fills the universe and beyond, if he made beyond.

3 Things I hate

1. “Christians” who make all Christians look bad

2. Disrespect of anyone

3. The smell of butter popcorn (specifically in the Foyer of my school)- but just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean you can’t


Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, Zip-a-dee-yay

My oh my what a wonderful day

Plenty of sunshine, heading my way

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, Zip-a-dee-day!!!!


norway… *sigh*



Xanga- 5/12/05


okay people-who-only-read-the-most-recent-post-and-don’t-look-at-the-post-RIGHT-BELOW-IT (*cough* kari and ashley *cough cough*)

I was referring to whether I should call my teacher Mrs. Syms’ little phrases Symsisms or Symsysms?  I like the latter, so I’m going with the latter.

And now for something completely different!


I had a hard boiled egg smashed down on top of my cranium today..

well, i had a math test today, and it went well.  History quiz- easy.  Snoopy returned. PE- Dodgeball- OH YEAH!! After school I played chess with people for a long time…

Anyway, for those who don’t know… I lived in Norway for four years (2nd-5th grade).  When I first got here I used to tell everyone I knew, but then they thought I was bragging so I didn’t ever tell anyone.  But then I have made alot of new friends and never tell them, so when I mention it they’re like- “Oh my gosh! You lived in Norway?!?!”

So, anyway, it was so cool.  Sights.  Sounds.  Even Smells.  In the morning, all three worked together.  As I walked to the bus stop I saw the sea and the sun and the mountains.  I heard seagulls singing to eachother.  And, the best of all, the smell of fresh fish and fertilizer formed a scent that was so neat.  Plus, friends and family, church and school, food and drinks- it was Home.

Well, anyway, I just wanted everyone to hear about my favorite spot in el mundo– Stavanger, Norway.

If anyone has questions or anything, comment please.


MAN!  Does anyone here watch LOST?

It is so awesome!!! It really makes you think… it’s so COOL!!!



Xanga- 5/10/05

everybody at CCCS- or who have previously attended CCCS…

I have unveiled a new word…






For all the little sayings that Mrs. Syms has- “That’s the 15th letter of the alphabet” and “Outstanding student- out standing in the hall” and “you’ll be taking notes till the world looks level…” I already mentioned it to her and she wants me to make a poster for them…



