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Change and Chocolate Milk – 1/29/07

How do you change the little things to change the big thing?- A conversation with me and the Know-It-Alls / And a talk of Chocolate Milk


I want to have a new life. I want to live the life of Jesus Christ, Him in me and through me.

But how?

“Read the Bible”
“Go to church”
“umm… read the Bible?”
– Johnny and Sally Know-It-All

But how do I change my attitude? My habits? My characteristics? My sinful practices? My skills? My diligence? My heart? My inside? My treatment of others? My words? My thoughts? My mind? My soul? My following? My friends? My choices? My actions? How?

“Well, you don’t change yourself, Jesus changes You”
– Sally Know-It-All

But God gives us free will. It says in James that if I draw near to God, He will draw near to me. What I do affects what He does. So if I want Him to change me (it’s true- that’s the big thing) I have to work at changing myself. It says in 1st John that we will be like Him when He returns, and that everyone who has this hope purifies himself. He is going to do the job, but within Him working, we work. He uses us to do His work.

So how can I change?

“Ask WWJD. What would Jesus do?”
– Johnny Know-it-all

Well, what if I don’t know what a Jewish carpenter/teacher from the 1st century of Israel would think.

“Silly, Jesus is God. Just ask: What Would God do?”
– Sally Know-It-All

Yeah, but we know that God does everything right, right? Okay, so no matter what He does, he doesn’t have to worry about doing anything wrong, right? Well, I’m not God. And while I can ask “What Would God Do?” (WWGD… hmm… not as catchy as WWJD), I really can’t answer that.

“Well that’s why you read your Bible, pray, and go to church”
– Johnny and Sally in Unison

Yeah, but that aside, say I have read and studied and prayed and talked and listened and learned and have done all that. So when it comes to the regular school day, how do I know what to do? I suppose I am supposed to suppose the personification of a perfect being, right? Okay…

  • Checklist
  • Do everything right
  • Follow every instruction
  • Obey every leader
  • Love everyone
  • Speak the truth
  • Be holy and righteous

Wait, so what do I do when the teacher tells us to work in our books and someone asks for help and I know I shouldn’t talk but I know I should help, so what do I do? Brain defunction!!!

“Hmm… that’s a tricky one. Why don’t you pray about it?”- Johnny

Okay, so I pray. I don’t get an answer. What then?

“Um… do what the Bible says?”- Sally

I don’t remember any verses about doing homework and assisting a classmate. What about some help from today?

“Um… church?”- Johnny (gulp!)

Yeah, but the pastor has never brought this situation up. If I obey, I don’t love. If I love, I disobey. If I disobey, I don’t love, and If I love, I obey. what do I do?

“Wait… what… hold on… did you get that… um… um… BRAIN DEFUNCTION! BRAIN DEFUNCTION!”- Sally and Johnny drop to the floor, their heads crack open, revealing their robot brains within

So now the Know-It-Alls are gone, let’s really think. How can I be more like Christ?

In Obedience versus Love what did He choose?- LOVE. Not that he disobeyed (somehow he managed against those rules), but he always chose to love others (even loving the Pharisees by showing them all their mess, i believe)

In Being Quiet versus Being Loud, what did He choose? LOUDNESS. He spoke out against the bad, but what about with people outside his circle or the less mature people. He didn’t speak out against their sin, first He loved. He was loud and present, but not annoying (except maybe the Pharisees

In Serving versus Being Taken Advantage of– He SERVED. I’m always afraid of being taken advantage of, when I give money or help others, but really, Jesus offers to be taken advantage of. He gives water and bread without end, the Spirit without limit, He goes the extra mile, He pours out His being for the world… I can pour mine out too, right?

In Reading the Bible versus Getting Involved in others– He chose to GET INVOLVED. Sometimes I feel like sitting and reading my Bible instead of talking to people. Now, reading God’s Word is always good, but if you look at Jesus, he chose to be one on one with God at certain times, but He knew that his ministry, his whole reason for being there was to bring in people. I have that mission too.

In Blending in versus Standing Out, he STOOD OUT. Yes, he sometimes slipped among people and had a face that didn’t stand out, but when He had the choice, He chose to be an example, a teacher, a leader, a sore thumb, a bright light, a bright red polka dot amongst a sheet of gray fabric. How can I stand out?

The thing is, how can Jesus be seen in me? Jesus had it easy. He was Jesus. His being was His own. He did not have to empty himself to put on Christ Jesus or have an attitude like Jesus Christ. Jesus was Jesus. But I’m not. I’m Evan. I have the body, the soul, the spirit, the mind, the attitude, the character, the self, the being of Evan. What am I supposed to do? Empty myself and fill myself with the life of a Jewish Carpenter? That would be great, but really, how can I do it? Can I hold on to my feelings, my likes, my skills, talents, abilities, gifts? Do I have to lose everything and take it back up again?

Am I more like a glass of milk that is poured out and then filled with chocolate milk, or am I milk that has chocolate syrup poured in me to make me more and more chocolatey. In the first, the emptying and the filling couldn’t be gradual, because the milk would slip out of the glass and cling to the outside. It would have to be one fell swoop- Out Me, In Jesus. But with the second, I am still the certain milk with the certain flavor, certain feel, certain being- then the chocolate comes in, sweeter than anything, and intensifies my being. The chocolate makes me sweeter, thicker, stronger, darker, better.

So, am I Jesus in Evan’s skin or Evan with the being of Jesus flowing into me? How does it flow? By reading God’s Word, taking pieces, eating it, chewing it over and letting it become part of me. By praying and relaxing and talking to Him, opening my heart and soul to Him to let the chocolate pour in. By replacing all my bad things- habits, interests, sins- with good things. By looking at certain qualities in the Bible and trying to improve myself in that area. By getting involved with other people so that I can breathe in God’s love as He hovers over them. By losing my energy running after Him so that when I catch Him and have times of worship and intimacy, I am charged back up again.

So, is it true? Can I really be me with Jesus? Can we be two in one? Can I still be me? Can I be my milk?

I want a new life. So God pour into me Your Life, so that all the scum floating at the top of my milk would go away and be washed away. Chocolatify me so that I taste and smell more like You!!!



God’s Presence – 1/28/07

Yes, we know that God is near us. But when we don’t feel Him, we say that He has left us. When we feel bad we feel like He’s not there.

Well, we all love the God of comfort, but how do we feel about the Man of Sorrows? The God that uses pain and suffering to teach lessons and discipline us? How about the God of Wrath? Is it possible that when we don’t get that “nice” feeling, it’s not because God’s presence has left us or anything, but simply that God is with us, and another part of His nature overshadows us…


A SONG (Flowing out of my mind and onto the page)

I reach up my hands to touch the cloud of your presence
I want to feel You floating over me
I want your comfort to rain down and your power to flow through me
Oh God of constant presence be with me!
Oh God of constant presence be with me!

I close my eyes that I might see you in the darkness
A picture of an invisible God within my eyelids
I hope and dream and pray and sing and joyfully imagine
What it would be like if I could see you here!
What would it be like if I could see you here?

I rock back and forth, jumping, moving along to the song
As if there’s a little child trying to get out of me
A fire that wants to spread, a wind that wants to blow, a child that wants to break free
I want to be free and be with you!
I want to be free and be with you!

I sit down. I stop the flow of words. And sit silently.
Hearing voices of all people singing praise to Thee
And I thank you for Your presence in this place, with Your People Free
Oh God of constant presence be with me!
Oh God of constant presence be with me!
I want to see, I want to be free with You
I want to see, I want to be free with You!
Oh God of constant presence, You are here with me!
I want to be with You, See You, Be free with You!



Thoughts from ATF (Acquire the Fire) – 1/27/07

– What is true worship? Singing? Dancing? Emotions? Or is it Romans 12:1-2
– When we make “promises” and don’t fulfill them, isn’t that a sin?
– Why can’t we be this excited in real life? Should we be?
– We need to stand up for the truth, but we need to love- We need to bridge the gap. Lovingly spread the truth
– Should we keep jobs in the media? Yes, because then we can influence it for the better. Or, No, when we have to make comprimises and lead others astray. But how far does it go? When we are outright lying, stealing, or helping others do it, its wrong. But what about when your job is to do certain things that possibly could influence people for the worse. You could lose your good influence if you lose your job.
– When you boycott and protest certain things because of morals, shouldn’t you protest other things because of things like quality of life and humane treatment, like corporations that use sweatshops or slave labor or have little regard for their workers, things like Nike or the such. And what about companies that are connected to cigarette companies? There’s so much we don’t see, but if we get down to the nitty gritty and find out, we may not like what we find.
– Should we focus on quantity or quality in church? Numbers or strength? Can it be both?
– Emotions…. hmm… I want to get excited, but I want it spread out into my real life! I want to be real! I don’t like the mask, but it seems like I have to put it on all the time…
From the car ride home, so many thoughts. So many thoughts…

Thoughts and Observations – 1/21/07

Thoughts and Observations


1. For someone to win, someone has to lose

2. For every story of miracles, there are a hundred stories of defeat.

3. Everyone can’t have anything/everything, because then everything would be nothing

4. You never know the background, the motives, the secondary and tertiary characters, the influences, or in the story- LIFE

5. For A to be blessed, B can’t be

6. So when we aren’t being blessed, remember that’s part of our job for someone else to be blessed.

7. God can’t bless everyone with miracles, or else nothing would be sacred or special.

I’m not rock solid sure of all this stuff, but give it some thought. God is not a machine, but a person. He can do what He wants to do, and He always acts in within the characteristics of His being.

Sin- God and Me – 1/20/07

It’s amazing the different ways God and I treat sin.
He hates it. I love it.


When sin entered the garden, he sent the sinners out. I would have hung out with them, let them be my friends, and eventuall be eating some of their Fruit Loops and Fruit by the Foot.

When sin filled the world, he sent a flood to wash it clean. I would have protested, saying that if the people all heard a reasonable reason why they should stop sinning, they would. I would have been outside the ark asking for more time, eventually cursing Noah.

When Sodom and Gomorrah was filled to the brim with sin, God sent down fire and brimstone to burn it clean. I would have probably tried to change them by marrying myself to the town (proverbially), living in it and eventually becoming of it, become a Sodomite and Gomorrahite myself.

When the Israelites were making the golden calf, God got mad and almost wiped them off. I would have said “Guys, let’s ease up on this whole calf business. Slowly, bit by bit, let’s wean ourselves off worshipping it” And sooner or later I’d be singing “All Hail King Golden Calf” with the rest of them.

When the Israelites came into the promised land, God had them kill any and every tribe or city of people with different gods, so they could remain pure. I would have said, “Hey, let’s live side by side, and then once a year have a picnic and respect each other by worshipping eachother’s gods” (or if I hadn’t said it, I would have done it)

When Saul made a wrong offering just to be well regarded by his troops, God said he couldn’t be king anymore. I’d have probably just told him not to do it again and tap him across the head. Then at his next BAALapalooza party, I’d politely decline.

When David did that whole deed with Bathsheeba, God made him lose a child. I would have told him it was bad and winked, and then forgot about the whole deal, like we do these days.

When the kings of Israel sinned terribly and beyond imagination, God promised to clean the city by removing everyone into captivity, and He did so. I don’t know what I would have done.

When Manasseh sacrificed his own son through fire, I don’t know what I would have done.

When the city of Jerusalem began to sin once more, God’s servant Nehemiah threw out all of the furniture of the non-Israelite leader that was given permission to live in the temple.

I wish I could be more like Nehemiah, more like God in his view of sin.


Throw it out.
Get rid of it.
Kill it.
Smother it.
Die to it.
Rid yourself of your chains.
Go to God for freedom from it.
Run away from it.
Hate it.
Associate it with every bad thing.
Call it what it is.
Don’t tolerate it.
Don’t accept it as normal.
Refuse it.
Spit it out of your mouth and rub it into the ground.
Refute Satan’s temptations and the flesh’s longing’s with Scripture.
Despise it.
Purify yourself of it.
Never go back to it every again.


More like Nehemiah Lord.

Being Remembered- 1/18/07

Over the years that I’ve been at CCS, I have been involved in drama, music, art, salt, NHS, student council, and many more groups and organizations. I have been friends with about 40 or more students at CCS, at least those who are still there. I’ve gotten involved in the grades below me, and over the years, have gotten to know many middle school and elementary school students.

I don’t want to be forgotten.

Yes, I know that in five to 10 years, most students at school will be new or won’t remember me. But I have a strong desire within me to influence others. I like it when people look up to me, view me as a role model, but sometimes can make me want to be an idol. I want to be a hero, the best, the most excellent, number one.

But, I know I shouldn’t. I know it’s pride, envy, greed, and my power-hungry flesh working within me. I want to influence people and lead people, but I have to do it for the right reason, and in the right direction. If I simply influence people to like me or lead them to hail me as a hero, no good has been done. That’s what I see John the Baptist as a great role model.

He came into Israel like a firebrand, angering spiritual and political leaders, spurring on change, making people think, hurting feelings, but pouring out truth. He was harsh, but he knew what he had to do. “Prepare the way for the Lord”. What did that mean? Possibly to remind people, or open their minds, or start the repentance process. Whatever it entailed, John obeyed. People came to him, seeing him as a rebel, a leader, a crazy maniac who actually had an idea of how to live. He gained disciples, and grew in popularity. But his time was short.

“I baptize with water, but among you stands one you do not know. He is the one who comes after me, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.”

We don’t know if John really knew Jesus before the encounter at the river. Yes, they were cousins, but we don’t know when was the last time they saw each other. He could’ve been months, it could have been decades, or somewhere in between. Well, John was baptizing at Bethany, and he saw Jesus. And he said “This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’ I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Israel.”

Jon had to act in faith. God called him to a life of service, but he had no idea when this “person” was coming, what they would look like, what would happen, and what would happen to him, but he trusted in God, and waited on God, and God showed up.

So, in the time that God has given me, I must be all that I can be. Powerful in speech and steadfast for the truth. Devoted to God and his Word. What does that look like? I’m not sure. For John, it meant walking around in the desert eating locusts, dressed in the latest camel skin fashion. For me, all I can do is bear in mind who I am and trust that God will show up.

John called himself a voice, a witness, the friend, one from earth. The voice, not the message. A witness, not the truth. The friend, not the bridegroom. The one from earth, not the one from heaven. He was clear on how he was and who he was compared to Jesus.

I must do that too.

“He must become greater, I must become less”

Lord, I don’t want to be forgotten, but I pray that if people remember me, they will remember you as a core of my being. Help me show you in all that I am.

What do we value in our culture? – 1/17/07

What do we value in our culture?


Eventually we all get old.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Money comes and money goes.

Too much simplicity equals laziness.

Too much speed erases patience.

The more possessions,a person has, the more they want.

How can I change my life to change these encroached values?

Seven Deadly “Spiritual” Sins and Seven Life Giving Practices- 1/16/07

Seven Deadly Spiritual Sins

Spiritual pride- We have all had it at one time or another. “I’m reading my Bible, praying every day, and am the only Christian at school who sticks to their beliefs…” Pride, in any form, can be dangerous, because in it, we set ourselves on our own pedestal. Then when we realize we need God and other people to make it through life, we don’t know what to do, so we fall and stay hurt for a long time… Is it possible that Job had spiritual pride?

Spiritual lust- Is it possible? The definition of lust is “intense sexual desire or appetite” or “uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness” or “a passionate or overmastering desire or craving” or “ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish: an enviable lust for life”
Hmm… have to think about that one…

Spiritual greed- Definitely. Definition? “Excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions”. Do we not see this in the life of certain pastors? Pastor Bob cheats little old lady out of their pensions to buy his new Lamborgini. Do we not see this in megachurches? Faith Life Church of Houston (madeup… i think) wants to look like the best church out there, so they want the best sound system, best musicians, best looking members (a little pride too?)… Do we not see this in the lives of Christians? Joe wants to have every spiritual gift (a stretch? maybe…)

Spiritual Gluttony and Spiritual Slothfulness- GOES HAND IN HAND
Sure. Fill yourself up and sit there and do nothing. Happens all the time. Most churchgoers hear the Word, read the Word, study the Word but do not pass on this knowledge, truth, wisdom to their friends, family, coworkers. They just sit on their butts and think about it. There are definitely spiritual sloths in our world today. So many believers that want to go to every conference, hear every christian cd, read every christian book, use every bible study, go to every service, etc. etc. etc. and want it all (greed perhaps?). And then there are those Christians who sit in church and do nothing. They leave their faith in the pew to be picked up again next week (although when it is picked up, it is only as an adornment [pride, perhaps])

Spiritual Envy- One of the formost. Main Street Baptist looks at 2nd Street Baptist and wishes they had the same inflow of visitors. Jordan looks at Austin and wants to be more humble, more kind, more loving than Austin (a little pride and greed mixed in too). We’re even taught spiritual envy. We read of Bible heroes and hear of their good qualities and are silently told to envy their traits and imitate them (Yes, we should have role models, we should follow biblical and spiritual leaders, we should have good examples to imitate, but sometimes preachers teach about Nehemiah and throw in guilt, basically saying “He was great. This great. Don’t you want to be that great? And he didn’t even know about Jesus. You do! How’s that sound?”) How’s that sound?

Spiritual Wrath- Oh, yes, one of the most beloved of the deadly sins. Often pointed out by the media and other nonChristians, often referred to by extreme fundamentalists as “zeal” or “standing for truth”, often the reason people leave the church. “You’re going to hell you sinner!” Yes, it might be true. But could it be said in a more loving way? No, don’t water down the message, but simply pour in some of the love Jesus showed you, you sinner! Judgment. Abuse. How many times have unbelievers been torn down or broken down by believers? Christians get spiritually wrathful and harp and scream and yell and go overboard, often taking the church down with them. Then they look back and say that it was all because of their Love for God? Hm… what about that other half of the great commandments, huh?


1. Love- God is Love. Period.
2. Forgive- Be gracious, be merciful, forgive as you have been forgiven.
3. Give- You have been given much. Give much.
4. Serve- Serve God, submitting in worship. Serve others, showing Christ.
5. Faithfulness- Be Faithful to God, Faithful to Friends and Family, Faithful to your faith
6. Hope/Dream- See the world with the eyes of Christ, be creative, be free
7. Grow- Learn. Discover. Become. Grow in Christ.

There are many more, but here’s a little looksee. looksy? hmm…




To You – 1/15/07

To you, loner of the high school halls, individual with no individuals to be your friends, daring to be different, or maybe frequently trying to fit in but never succeeding, always failing.

To you, outcast of all groups, clubs, cliques, and whatnot, never connecting, others never accepting, attending a school of misery, full of hope yet full of despair

To you, loving young lady, friendly yet quiet, fun but not the funniest, exceptional but not OUTSTANDING! enough to be noticed, hoping for popularity, hoping for a boy, hoping for something more, working hard in sports or academics, staying pure, staying faithful, staying hopeful, persevering until the day of your fulfilled dream appears


To you, unique young man, who, though he is friendly, fun, and funny, can’t seem to rise in the classes (of high school society), stuck in the “In-Betweeners” (between popular and not) or the “Somewhat Sporters” (Playing sports but not the star) or “The Uncool Eclectics” (Being strange and weird and different and unique, but not being viewed as funny or interesting enough to be noticed), never being allowed to change, getting a laugh/smile or two but then tripping over your tongue and turning redfaced and sorry


To you, Student of many attempts, who tries to excel but has problems with reading, writing, math, science, history, or anything else, who wants to do your best but can’t be Amazed or Bewildered, but constantly Cut-Down, Dismayed, and Failed

To you, spiritual student of no regard, faithful follower of Christ our God, quiet servant of others, respecter of teachers, lover of friends and enemies, giver of money and school supplies, blesser and encourager, Bible-pointer, Christ-pointer, Salvation-pointer, Silent perseverer

To you, “Average student” who can’t dribble/kick/throw/shoot a ball or run/swim/tackle/spike worth anything, who can’t draw or paint or sing or play or act or write or create at all, who can’t grab A’s or understand Algebra, who can’t crack jokes or make people laugh at ya, who sees nothing special, sees nothing at all


And to you, whoever, wherever, whatever and whichever, God knows you, You know You Who


May you find some glue to stick and hand to pull you in

May you find love and joy, from Him in whatever form it comes

May you find family and shelter, acceptance and freedom
May you find a path to understanding, a guide to knowledge, and a cup of wisdom
May you find encouragement and edification, be strengthened, and continue in it all
May you find meaning, identity, clarity, and understanding
May you find Him